Louis Vuitton Bags UK bangkok for stu\s wedding

First full trailer for "the hangover Louis Vuittonhttp://www.recipeweb.co.uk/ part ii" unleashed "The hangover part ii"First full trailer is released.The new video gives a sneak peek to the main characters who travel to Louis Vuitton Bags UK bangkok for stu"s wedding.However, the hilarious gang loses teddy, stu"s future brotherinlaw, and they set up to find him. The comedy film revolves around phil(Bradley cooper), Stu(Ed helms), Alan(Zach galifianakis)And doug(Justin bartha). After the wonderful bachelor party in Las Vegas, Stuhas opted for a safe, subdued prewedding brunch.But, things blows up and does not go in line with the plan. Beside the four main characters, ken jeong will reprise his role in the"The hangover"Sequel, with liam neeson appearing as a cameo.Paul giamatti, juliette lewis, jamie chung, mike tyson and some other hollywood stars will also be featured in the film.Todd phillips returns to serve behind lens for the comedy movie, which is slated to hit theaters stateside on may 26.