Formal Dresses Australia headed to malls and specialty
Easter shoppers head to birmingham Jordyn lumpkin, 3, shops with her mom, stephanie, on saturday, april 7, 2012, at jack n" jill in homewood for a white slip to wear with her easter dress on sunday. (The birmingham news/val walton) Homewood, ala.Metroarea parents Formal Dresses Australia headed to malls and specialty stores this afternoon for just the right accessories for easter outfits to wear tomorrow. At jack n" jill clothing store in homewood, business was brisk as stephanie lumpkin shopped for a white slip for her 3yearold daughter, jordyn, to wear with her white easter dress to sunday services. For lumpkin, shopping for easter is"Traditional. " "My mom would take me shopping to buy dresses,"She said. "Now i shop for my daughter. " According to the national retail federation, easter sales figures for this year are expected to return to prerecession levels. On average, customers are expected to spend an average of $145.28 on everything from clothes to candy, food and decorations this year, up 11 percent from $131.04 last year.Total spending is expected to reach $16.8 billion. Frank youngs, owner of jack n jill and sikes children shoes next door, watched as customers made lastminute purchases for bows, shoes, dresses and shirts. "This is the biggest single week of the year as far as sales,"He said. At jc penney in the riverchase galleria, manager angela dunn walked the floors to make sure sales flowed smoothly as customers flocked to colorful dresses. Auburn rated no.1 in earlyseason computer ranking used in BCS formulaLive at 9 with Kevin Scarbinsky:How you like auburn quarterback nick marshall now?Nick marshall"s rapid growth opening up auburn"s offense:"Unbelievable amount of potential"Auburn defense preparing to scuff helmets in tough "box game" at LSU.
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